I had a spare bonnet given to me by a friend.
Drilled a few holes in it and stuck it on the wall of my garage.
As it was white, I was using it as a board for ideas/plans for alterations to the van.

Fancied something different and a friend of mine Carl, who runs D7R Fabrications, had been doing some very cool stuff with hacking/venting front arches on some of his customers cars, so I gave him the bonnet to see what he could come up with.
Adding a vent for cooling the bonnet temps and hopefulyl feeding some moving air to the TMIC

This is what he came up with:

Had to add bonnet pins, as the latch wouldn't fit and needed to be removed.

Honestly, I wasn't sold on it.
But as the work was done and Campermart was looming, I thought I'd have a go at getting it on the van.
Carl insisted it needed to be colour coded to look good. So off to the painter to see what could be done.

When it came back, in yellow... I STILL wasn't impressed with it. I just couldn't see the vision Carl had.

Even as I was adding the mesh to the thing, I just wasn't sure.

Then, once it was on.... I could see the light!!!!

VERY VERY happy with it.